

GitHub Repository
Pre-Built Files ordering-service-0.1.0.jar, integration-service-0.1.0.jar, mrp.war
Output File partsunlimitedmrp.json


Java 8, mongodb


Parts Unlimited MRP is a fictional outsourced Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) application for training purposes. It allows users to manage quotes, orders, and deliveries. It also provides a list of fictional dealers and catalog items for purchase.


The application contains three main components: IntegrationService, OrderService and Clients. The IntegrationService integrates the frontend website with the MRP service, the OrderService handles customer orders, and the Clients component contains the frontend HTML files for application.

Directory Structure

├── builds                                 : contains pre-built JAR and WAR files for the application
├── deploy                                 : instructions and scripts for building and deploying the application
├── labfiles                               : instructions for tutorial labs that use this project as an example
└── src                                    : has the application's source code and test code
    ├── Backend                            : source code and tests for backend services
    │   ├── IntegrationService       
    │   │   ├── build                      : build target directory
    │   │   ├── gradle                     : necessary wrapper files
    │   │   └── src.main    
    │   │       ├── java.integration       : source code for IntegrationService
    │   │       │   ├── infrastructure     : infrastructure configuration
    │   │       │   ├── models             : integration data models
    │   │       │   │   ├── mrp            : internal MRP models
    │   │       │   │   └── website        : models for displaying data on the frontend
    │   │       │   ├── scheduled          : services for periodically updating catalog and order list
    │   │       │   └── services           : main MRP business logic services
    │   │       └── resources              : contains file
    │   └── OrderService                   : source code and tests for OrderService
    │       ├── build                      : build target directory
    │       ├── buildSrc                   : files to support Microsoft App Insights integration
    │       ├── gradle                     : necessary wrapper files
    │       └── src
    │           ├── main           
    │           │   ├── java.smpl.ordering : source code for OrderService
    │           │   │   ├── controllers    : API endpoint controllers
    │           │   │   ├── models         : order service data models
    │           │   │   └── repositories   : database services
    │           │   │       ├── mock       : classes for mocking database interaction
    │           │   │       └── mongodb    : classes for interacting with MongoDB database
    │           │   │           └── models : data access models  
    │           │   └── resources          : application properties files
    │           └── test                   : JUnit tests for OrderService
    │               ├── java.smpl.ordering
    │               │   ├── controllers    : tests for OrderService controllers
    │               │   └── repositories   : tests for OrderService repository classess
    │               └── resources          : contains file
    └── Clients                            : source code for frontend services
        ├── build                          : build target directory
        ├── gradle                         : necessary wrapper files
        └── Web                            : frontend HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files


First, clone the forked repository:

git clone
cd PartsUnlimitedMRP


We must build three separate services: OrderService, IntegrationService, and Clients.

To build the OrderService:

cd src/Backend/OrderService
chmod +x gradlew
./gradlew build

The JAR file will be created at src/Backend/OrderService/build/libs/ordering-service-0.1.0.jar

To build the IntegrationService:

cd src/Backend/IntegrationService
chmod +x gradlew
./gradlew build

The JAR file will be created at src/Backend/IntegrationService/build/libs//integration-service-0.1.0.jar

To build the frontend Clients:

cd src/Clients
chmod +x gradlew
./gradlew build

The WAR file will be created at src/Clients/build/libs/mrp.war


Before running the application, we must first set up some data in the MongoDB database.

Setting Up the MongoDB Database

  1. Open the mongo command line tools by typing the following command: /usr/bin/mongo

  2. Select the ordering database to create it. > use ordering

  3. Add an object to the catalog collection

> x = {"skuNumber" : "ACC-001", "description" : "Shelving", "unit" : "meters", "unitPrice" : 10.5 }
> db.catalog.insert(x)
  1. Check the object was created

    > db.catalog.find()

you should see something like:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5568a7aefa7a8f99400cbd1e"), "skuNumber" : "ACC-001", "description" : "Shelving", "unit" : "meters", "unitPrice" : 10.5 }
  1. Now there is data in the database you can check it with the following command > show dbs Which should show something similar to:

    local   0.078125GB
    ordering        0.203125GB
  2. Copy the commands from MongoRecords.js to insert sample data into the database

Running the Services

To run the OrderService:

cd src/Backend/OrderService/build/libs/
java -jar ordering-service-0.1.0.jar

To run the IntegrationService:

cd src/Backend/IntegrationService/build/libs/
java -jar integration-service-0.1.0.jar

The client mrp.war file can be run with your preferred method of running WAR files (eg. tomcat, glassfish).


OrderService is the only one of the three services with Java tests. To run these tests:

cd src/Backend/OrderService
./gradlew test