Requesting Our Dataset

We are happy to release the collected Google Play malware dataset to the research community. However, to avoid misuse of this data, we require registration to obtain the malware samples and reports that describe the malware behaviors at the code level. To gain access to this info, please read this section carefully.

  1. We kindly ask a faculty member or someone in a permanent position to issue the access request by filling out the form here.
  2. In the form, please specify how you intend to use the dataset.
  3. You will also need to agree to the following terms and conditions:
    • You will not redistribute this dataset without our consent.
    • You will not make commercial usage of this dataset.
    • You agree to have the name of your institution listed on this page, under the list of users that obtained access.
    • If you use our dataset, related artifacts, or analysis results, please cite the following paper: Michael Cao, Khaled Ahmed, and Julia Rubin. “Rotten Apples Spoil the Bunch: An Anatomy of Google Play Malware.” In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2022. [pdf, bibtex]

Once the form has been submitted, we will review the application and get back to you as soon as possible. If the access is granted, we will provide a private link to retrieve the dataset.