
Sources and sinks

We provided the list of sources and sinks we used for benchmark apps (SS-Bench) in Section 3.3.2 (Table 3) of our paper.

Selected benchmarks and expected results

This section contains (1) the full list of benchmarks (from DroidBench and ICCBench) that we used in our study, (2) target criterion of each application, and (3) the ground truth we followed, determined by the list of sources/sinks and tool configurations we used. There are seven columns in the table. Here we explain every column and provide suggestions to the readers about how to read the table:

  • Category: In DroidBench and ICCBench, authors put benchmarks to different folders based on what aspect of Android/Java the benchmark is designed to test. We extracted the folder name as categories, and numbered them.
  • AppID: We numbered all benchmarks in DroidBench we use, from 1 to 158, obeying the order of “Category”. The same to ICCBench benchmarks.
  • AppName: The name of the benchmark, which are extracted from DroidBench and ICCBench test suites.
  • TargetCriteriaID and TargetCriteriaDesciption: Each of the DroidBench and ICCBench application is designed to test a particular aspect of taint analysis, which we refer to as the Target Criterion (short as Criterion) of the benchmark. Developers generally annotate the criterion in source code. We extract this information from DroidBench and ICCBench applications annotations, which is the column “CriteriaDesciption”. For easy reference, we number each criterion in the format [Test Suite Name][Category ID][subid of application inside this category], for example, if we look at the first row, “DB1.1” means the criterion “Aliases must be computed precisely or a false positive will be found.” is tested by the first benchmark “Merge1” in the first category “Aliasing” in DroidBench test suite.
  • Number of designer’s expected flow(s): In DroidBench and ICCBench, developers annotated the number of expected leaks, which are what we extracted to this column.
  • Number of our expected flow(s): With our selection of sources, sinks, and configuration parameters discussed in previous subsections, the expected flows for each benchmark application might deviate from the result annotated by the benchmark designers. We thus manually analyzed each of the benchmark applications, extracting all flows expected under our configuration setup.

All benchmarks whose Number of designer’s expected flow(s) are different from Number of our expected flow(s) are highlighted in blue.

TargetCriteriaDescription# designer's
expected flow(s)
# our expected
1. Aliasing1FlowSensitivity1DB1.1Aliases must be computed in a flow-sensitive fashion, otherwise a false positive is found.00
2Merge1DB1.2Aliases must be computed precisely or a false positive will be found.01
3SimpleAliasing1DB1.3Aliases must be computed soundly or the leak will be missed.11
4StrongUpdate1DB1.4The alias analysis must support strong updates for not causing a false positive.10
2. Android Specific5ApplicationModeling1DB2.1Aliases must be computed precisely or a false positive will be found.10
6DirectLeak1DB2.2The value of a source is directly sent to a sink.11
7InactiveActivityDB2.3The analysis has to be aware that the activity is set to inactive in manifest file.00
8Library2DB2.4The analysis must correctly handle custom libraries.11
9LogNoLeakDB2.5The analysis has to be aware that no tainted value can reach the sink.00
10Obfuscation1DB2.6The analysis must not be fooled by fake implementations of system classes contained in the APK file.11
11Parcel1DB2.7Parcel marshall and unmarshalling.11
12PrivateDataLeak3DB2.8The analysis must propagate taints across file system accesses.21
13PublicAPIField1DB2.9Must have accurate modeling for API classes that expose fields.11
14PublicAPIField2DB2.10Analysis must have a model of Intent implementation to setter / getter of Intent fields.11
15View1DB2.11The analysis needs to properly include custom views into the lifecycle.11
3. Arrays And Lists16ArrayAccess1DB3.1The analysis must distinguish between different array positions to recognize that the tainted data does not get leaked.00
17ArrayAccess2DB3.2The analysis must distinguish between different array positions and has to evaluate the function to recognize that the tainted data does not get leaked.00
18ArrayAccess3DB3.3The analysis must support arrays.11
19ArrayAccess4DB3.4The analysis must correctly handle fields of objects inside arrays.00
20ArrayAccess5DB3.5The analysis must correctly distinguish between the size of an array and its elements.00
21ArrayCopy1DB3.6The analysis tool must have a model for System.arraycopy().11
22ArrayToString1DB3.7Have to model that Array.toString invokes toString() for each object of array.11
23HashMapAccess1DB3.8The analysis must distinguish between different hash map entries to recognize that the tainted data does not get leaked.00
24ListAccess1DB3.9The analysis must distinguish between different list positions to recognize that the tainted data does not get leaked.00
25MultidimensionalArray1DB3.10The analysis tool has to be able to track an element within a multidimensional array.11
4. Callbacks26AnonymousClass1DB4.1The analysis must handle callbacks, anonymous inner classes and static fields.22
27Button1DB4.2The analysis must analyze the layout xml file and take the lifecycle into account (onCreate is executed before user interaction).11
28Button2DB4.3The analysis must be able to analyze listeners, know that callback of button3 is ClickOnButton3 (defined in xml file) and has to handle the arbitrary order of the listener callbacks.33
29Button3DB4.4The analysis must be able to detect callback handlers registered in other callback handlers.11
30Button4DB4.5The analysis must analyze the layout xml file and correctly handle include directives.11
31Button5DB4.6Must correctly model that a Button is represented by a single object in the runtime, and that object is delivered to multiple calls of onClick.11
32LocationLeak1DB4.7The analysis must be able to emulate the Android activity lifecycle correctly, integrate the callback method onLocationChanged and detect the callback methods as source. This example contains a location information leakage in the onResume() callback method. The data source is placed into the onLocationChanged() callback method, especially the parameter loc.22
33LocationLeak2DB4.8The analysis must be able to emulate the Android activity lifecycle correctly, integrate the callback method onLocationChanged and detect the callback methods as source. This example contains a location information leakage in the onResume() callback method. The data source is placed into the onLocationChanged() callback method, especially the parameter loc. In contrast to LocationLeak1 the activity implements the Listener directly (no inner class).22
34LocationLeak3DB4.9The analysis must be able to emulate the Android activity lifecycle correctly, integrate the callback method onLocationChanged, detect the callback methods as source and connect the callback class to the activity via the interface.12
35MethodOverride1DB4.10The analysis must be able to detect the leak in an internal Android method that is overwritten.11
36MultiHandlers1DB4.11The analysis must be able to correctly associate callback handlers with the respective activities.00
37Ordering1DB4.12The analysis must take the order of callback registration and sink call into account.00
38RegisterGlobal1DB4.13The analysis must support globally-registered callback handlers.11
40Unregister1DB4.14The analysis must take into accounts that callbacks can be unregistered again.00
5. Emulator Detection41Battery1DB5.1The (dynamic) analysis must avoid being detected and circumvented.11
45ContentProvider1DB5.2The (dynamic) analysis must avoid being detected and circumvented. Sends the IMEI as an SMS message and writes it to the log file. Emulator detection is performed on the IMEI and the app is killed if the IMEI is a 00..00 pattern.22
48IMEI1DB5.3The (dynamic) analysis must avoid being detected and circumvented. Sends the IMEI as an SMS message and writes it to the log file. Emulator detection is performed by cutting the secret message at an index computed on the IMEI which is known to always be 000..0 on an emulator.20
51PlayStore1DB5.4The (dynamic) analysis must avoid being detected and circumvented. Sends the IMEI as an SMS message and writes it to the log file. Emulator detection is performed by checking whether the Play Store app is installed on the system.22
6. Field And Object Sensitivity56FieldSensitivity1DB6.1The analysis must be able to distinguish between different fields of an object.00
57FieldSensitivity2DB6.2The analysis must be able to distinguish between different fields of an object. An object has two fields, the one that gets tainted is sent to a sink.00
58FieldSensitivity3DB6.3The analysis must be able to distinguish between different fields of an object. This is an easier version of FieldSensitivity1.11
59FieldSensitivity4DB6.4The analysis has to consider the order of the statements for tainted fields.00
60InheritedObjects1DB6.5The analysis must be able to decide on the subtype of a variable based on a condition.11
61ObjectSensitivity1DB6.6The analysis must be able to distinguish between two objects of the same type that are initialized by the same constructor.00
62ObjectSensitivity2DB6.7The analysis must be able to remove taints from variables and fields.00
7. General Java63Clone1DB7.1Must model clone of list.11
64Exceptions1DB7.2The analysis must handle exceptions.11
65Exceptions2DB7.3The analysis must handle implicit exceptions.11
66Exceptions3DB7.4The analysis must precisely model which exceptions can occur and which ones can't.00
67Exceptions4DB7.5The analysis must handle exception data.11
68Exceptions5DB7.6The analysis must handle exception data across method calls.11
70Exceptions7DB7.7The analysis must precisely handle exception types across method calls.00
71FactoryMethods1DB7.8The analysis must be able to handle factory methods contained in the operating system.22
72Loop1DB7.9The analysis must handle standard java constructs.11
74Serialization1DB7.10Must model serialization.11
75SourceCodeSpecific1DB7.11The analysis must handle standard java constructs. Tainted data is created in a condition branch and afterwards sent to a sink in a loop.11
76StartProcessWithSecret1DB7.12The analysis tool has to be able to track taint flown to sink through a receiver.11
77StaticInitialization1DB7.13The analysis has to consider static initialization. Tainted data is leaked to a sink during static initialization of a class.11
78StaticInitialization2DB7.14The analysis has to consider static initialization. Sensitive data is obtained during static initialization of a class and leaked in non-static code.11
79StaticInitialization3DB7.15The order of execution of static initializers is not defined in Java. This test stresses a particular order to link a flow.11
80StringFormatter1DB7.16Modeling of StringBuffer and StringFormatter.11
81StringPatternMatching1DB7.17Flows through multiple object allocated in API code.11
82StringToCharArray1DB7.18The analysis tool has to be able to follow taint through character-string conversion.11
83StringToOutputStream1DB7.19The analysis tool has to be able to track tainted value through different stream/memory operations.11
84UnreachableCodeDB7.20The analysis has to discover that the unit is not called.00
85VirtualDispatch1DB7.21The analysis must be able to handle invoke-virtual statements. Additionally the clickButton() callback must be correctly considered as a callback.11
86VirtualDispatch2DB7.22The analysis tool has to be able to differentiate the base and the derived class objects.11
87VirtualDispatch3DB7.23The callgraph analysis must be able to deal with factory methods.00
8. Inter Component Communication88ActivityCommunication1DB8.1The analysis must be able to model the lifecycle of Activities and allow arbitrary execution order of the Activities.11
89ActivityCommunication2DB8.2The analysis tool has to be able to evaluate substring operation and track tainted value through another Activity.12
90ActivityCommunication3DB8.3The analysis tool has to be able to resolve component from a name and track it through startActivity.12
91ActivityCommunication4DB8.4The analysis tool needs to be able to analyze constant string with concatenation operation and able to resolve the Intent for the resulted string and follow tainted data to the next Activity.12
92ActivityCommunication5DB8.5The analysis tool must be able to resolve Intent's component from a component name and follow the taint to another Activity.12
93ActivityCommunication6DB8.6The analysis tool has to be able to track an Intent through a list operation.12
94ActivityCommunication7DB8.7The analysis tool has to be able to resolve an Intent of a non-constant Activity class.12
95ActivityCommunication8DB8.8The analysis tool has to be able to track a string through the list, then resolve Intent's action and follow the Intent to the Activity to be activated.12
96BroadcastTaintAndLeak1DB8.9The analysis tool has to be able to recognize a broadcast receiver and models its IntentFilter.12
97ComponentNotInManifest1DB8.10The analysis must recognize that activity is not startable if it is not in the AndroidManifest.xml01
98EventOrdering1DB8.11The analysis tool has to be able to take into account different runs of the app. In this case, the end of one run is the source and the beginning of the next run is the sink.11
99IntentSink1DB8.12The analysis must be able to track the taint in the intent and recognize the setResult sink.11
100IntentSink2DB8.13The analysis must be able to parse the layout xml file correctly, track the taint in the intent and recognize the startActivity sink.11
101IntentSource1DB8.14The analysis must be able to track the taint in the intent and recognize the onActivityResult(-1,-1,intent) source.20
102ServiceCommunication1DB8.15The analysis tool has to be able through ICC message passing / Handler constructs.11
103SharedPreferences1DB8.16Modeling of SharedPreferences.11
104Singletons1DB8.17Analysis has to reason about all legal interleavings of separate components.11
105UnresolvableIntent1DB8.18The analysis tool has to be able to identify unresolvable Intent and not associate the unresolved Intent with any Activity.23
9. Lifecycle106ActivityEventSequence1DB9.1The analysis tool must be able to incorporate only those callback flows which can occur in real Android apps. onRestoreInstanceState() callback is not invoked in all cases.11
107ActivityEventSequence2DB9.2The analysis tool must be able to detect data leaks which are triggered by different ordering of event sequences. Each event in the event sequence invokes a set of callbacks in a specific order. Following attack occurs when onUserLeaveHint() -> onUserLeaveHint()->onSaveInstanceState()->onRestoreInstanceState()->onSaveInstanceState() callbacks are invoked in the given order.10
108ActivityEventSequence3DB9.3The analysis tool must be able to detect data leaks which are triggered by different ordering of event sequences. Each event in the event sequence invokes a set of callbacks in a specific order. 11
109ActivityLifecycle1DB9.4The analysis must be able to handle the activity lifecycle correctly and handle try/catch blocks.11
110ActivityLifecycle2DB9.5The analysis must be able to handle the activity lifecycle correctly and detect the callback method that is inherited from a superclass.11
111ActivityLifecycle3DB9.6The analysis must be able to handle the activity lifecycle correctly, in particular the less common instanceState callbacks.11
112ActivityLifecycle4DB9.7The analysis must be able to handle the activity lifecycle correctly and deal with loops in the lifecycle because originally onPause is called before onResume.11
113ActivitySavedState1DB9.8Event ordering and Activity saved state.11
114ApplicationLifecycle1DB9.9Correct handling of the Application object in the component lifecycle.11
115ApplicationLifecycle2DB9.10Correct handling of callbacks in the Application object.11
116ApplicationLifecycle3DB9.11Correct handling of the Application object and the ContentProvider. Note that the ContentProvider.onCreate() method is called before Application.onCreate() is invoked.11
117AsynchronousEventOrdering1DB9.12The analysis must account for all legal ordering of asynch events with respect to the activity lifecycle.11
118BroadcastReceiverLifecycle1DB9.13The analysis must be able to handle the broadcast receiver lifecycle correctly and evaluate the condition.11
119BroadcastReceiverLifecycle2DB9.14The analysis must be able to handle the dynamic registration of broadcast receivers.11
121EventOrdering1DB9.15Test case for considering all possible event orderings for event. There is a leak when onLowMemory is called twice without a call to onContentChanged().11
122FragmentLifecycle1DB9.16The analysis has to be aware of the lifecycle methods of fragments. The fragment is not defined in xml but in the code.11
123FragmentLifecycle2DB9.17The analysis tool must handle Fragment, its callbacks, and association with the parent Activity properly.11
124ServiceEventSequence1DB9.18The analysis tool must be able to detect data leaks which are triggered by different ordering of events.11
125ServiceEventSequence2DB9.19The analysis tool must be able to analyze all possible flows from onUnbind() callback, that is, onBind() and onRebind().11
127ServiceLifecycle1DB9.20The analysis must be able to handle the service lifecycle correctly.11
128ServiceLifecycle2DB9.21Same service object is used for each startService -> onStartCommand call.11
129SharedPreferenceChanged1DB9.22In this case, the change listener has to be called with the shared preferences that are changed.11
10. Reflection130Reflection1DB10.1The analysis must be able to handle reflective class instantiations.11
131Reflection2DB10.2The analysis must be able to handle code implemented in classes loaded using reflection.11
132Reflection3DB10.3The analysis must be able to reflective invocations of methods without type of information on the target class.11
133Reflection4DB10.4The analysis must be able to correctly handle sources and sinks in classes used through reflection.11
134Reflection5DB10.5The analysis must recognize that all type of reflections.11
11. Reflection ICC139ActivityCommunication2DB11.1The analysis must be able to handle reflective method invocation and inter-component communication.12
12. Threading149AsyncTask1DB12.1The analysis must be able to correctly handle Android's AsyncTask mechanism.11
150Executor1DB12.2The analysis must be able to correctly handle Java's Executor mechanism.11
151JavaThread1DB12.3The analysis must be able to correctly handle Java threads. Sensitive data is read in onCreate() and send out in a dedicated thread started using Java's normal threading mechanism.11
152JavaThread2DB12.4The analysis must be able to correctly handle Java threads. Sensitive data is read in onCreate() and send out in a dedicated thread started using Java's Runnable mechanism.11
153Looper1DB12.5The analysis must be able to correctly handle Android's Looper infrastructure.11
154TimeTask1DB12.6The analysis must be able to correctly handle Java's TimerTask infrastructure.11
13. Unreachable Code155SimpleUnreachable1DB13.1The analysis should detect that some branches are unreachable.00
1. Icc Handing1icc_explicit_nosrc_nosinkICC1.1The analysis must be able to resolve explicit ICC calls and handle data flow across different components. Insensitive v is sent to component FooActivity via explicit ICC.00
3icc_explicit_src_nosinkICC1.2The analysis must be able to resolve explicit ICC calls and handle data flow across different components. The value v of a source is sent to component FooActivity via explicit ICC.01
5icc_implicit_nosrc_nosinkICC1.3The analysis must be able to resolve implicit (Action) ICC calls and handle data flow across different components. Insensitive value v is sent to component FooActivity via implicit ICC.00
7icc_implicit_src_nosinkICC1.4The analysis must be able to resolve implicit (Action) ICC calls and handle data flow across different components. The value v of a source is sent to component FooActivity via implicit ICC.11
9icc_intentserviceICC1.5The analysis must be able to resolve IntentService and handle data flow across different components.11
10icc_statefulICC1.6The analysis must be able to resolve stateful ICC call and handle data flow across different components.32
2. Icc Target Finding11icc_dynregister1ICC2.1The analysis must be able to resolve dynamically registered component, implicit ICC calls and handle data flow across different components.22
12icc_dynregister2ICC2.2The analysis must be able to handle string manipulation, resolve dynamically registered component, implicit ICC calls and handle data flow across different components.22
15icc_implicit_categoryICC2.3The analysis must be able to resolve implicit (Categories) ICC calls and handle data flow across different components.22
16icc_implicit_data1ICC2.4The analysis must be able to resolve implicit (Data) ICC calls and handle data flow across different components.22
17icc_implicit_data2ICC2.5The analysis must be able to resolve implicit (MType) ICC calls and handle data flow across different components.22
18icc_implicit_mix1ICC2.6The analysis must be able to resolve implicit (Data & MType) ICC calls and handle data flow across different components.33
19icc_implicit_mix2ICC2.7The analysis must be able to resolve implicit (Mix all) ICC calls and handle data flow across different components.22
3. Mixed20icc_rpc_comprehensiveICC3.1The analysis must be able to resolve AIDL, stateful ICC and handle data flow across different components.32
4. Rpc Handing21rpc_localserviceICC4.1The analysis must be able to resolve LocalService and handle data flow across different components.11
22rpc_messengerserviceICC4.2The analysis must be able to resolve MessengerService and handle data flow across different components.11
23rpc_remoteserviceICC4.3The analysis must be able to resolve AIDL and handle data flow across different components.11
24rpc_returnsensitiveICC4.4The analysis must be able to resolve LocalService and handle data flow across different components.11

Excluded benchmarks

As discussed in Section 3.3.1 of our paper, we excluded 31 applications from DroidBench that focus on testing configuration options that we disabled. We listed these applications in the following table.

The table consists of the following columns:

  • Category: The folder name that contains the application.
  • AppName: The name of the benchmark.
  • Reason: The reason why we excluded an application.

For category Inter-App Communication, there are 10 applications in total. These 10 applications form two IAC test cases.

Dynamic Code LoadingDynamicBoth1Unsupported functionality: all three tools explicitly claim that they cannot handle dynamic code loading.
Inter-App CommunicationEchoer+SendSMS+StartActivityForResult1Disabled configuration option: IAC
General JavaVirtualDispatch4Disabled configuration option: implicit flows
Android SpecificPrivateDataLeak1Disabled configuration option: sensitive UI detection
Implicit FlowsImplicitFlow1Disabled configuration option: implicit flows
Self-ModificationBytecodeTamper1Disabled configuration option: native code analysis
Native CodeJavaIDFunctionDisabled configuration option: native code analysis

Sources of failures

Our analysis results can be downloaded here. In this section, we detailedly list our manual inspection results about sources of failures on a benchmark basis. The table below have multiple columns, we will describe each column and provide instructions on how to read the table.

The table consists of two main parts, which are:

  • AppName and TargetCriteriaID: These two columns are information of benchmarks, matching AppID+AppName, and TargetCriteriaID in Selected benchmarks and expected results table.
  • The left columns are all about results of studied tools. We list details about FP (false positives) and FN (false negatives) flows reported by each tool. For each benchmark, we list:

    • #FP/#FN: The number of FPs/FNs reported by a tool.
    • FailingCriteria: Detailed breakdown of all FPs(/FNs) got reported by a tool on the benchmark. The format is [Number of FPs(/FNs)]x[FailingCriteria of The FPs(/FNs)]. Note that we highlighted flows reported by tools which are not original designed for the tool. We also included flows affected by special semantics of Amandroid and DroidSafe in this column, denoted by the following:

      • SEM1: Amandroid and DroidSafe filter out intra-component flows for ICC-related sinks.
      • SEM2: DroidSafe reports the location of the entry method.

Let’s take the benchmark ActivityCommunication2 as an example, what we can learn from the table is:

  • FlowDroid reported 1 FP due to criterion DB8.2. Details about the criterion can be found in table Selected benchmarks and expected results.
  • Amandroid reported 2 FPs. One FP is due to criterion DB8.2, which is expected, and an FN is due to criterion UBC4, which is unexpected.
  • DroidSafe successfully handled the benchmark, with no FP nor FN.

Details of our newly-identified sources of failures (i.e., UBCx) can be found here.

AppName TargetCriteriaID FlowDroid v2.7.1 DroidRA + FlowDroid v2.7.1 Amandroid v3.2.0 DroidRA + Amandroid v3.2.0 DroidSafe DroidRA + DroidSafe
#FP Criteria #FN Criteria #FP Criteria #FN Criteria #FP Criteria #FN Criteria #FP Criteria #FN Criteria #FP Criteria #FN Criteria #FP Criteria #FN Criteria
1. FlowSensitivity1 DB1.1 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB4.12 0 1 1xDB4.12 0 1 1xDB1.1 0 1 1xDB1.1 0
2. Merge1 DB1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. SimpleAliasing1 DB1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. StrongUpdate1 DB1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB1.1 0 1 1xDB1.1 0
5. 5. ApplicationModeling1 DB2.1 1 1xDB2.1 0 1 1xDB2.1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB2.1 0 1 1xDB2.1 0
6. DirectLeak1 DB2.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. InactiveActivity DB2.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Library2 DB2.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. LogNoLeak DB2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10. Obfuscation1 DB2.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB2.6 0 1 1xDB2.6
11. Parcel1 DB2.7 0 1 1xBUG1 0 1 1xBUG1 0 1 1xDB2.7 0 1 1xDB2.7 0 0 0 0
12. PrivateDataLeak3 DB2.8 0 1 1xDB2.8 0 1 1xDB2.8 0 1 1xDB2.8 0 1 1xDB2.8 0 0 0 0
13. PublicAPIField1 DB2.9 0 1 1xBUG1 0 1 1xBUG1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. PublicAPIField2 DB2.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. View1 DB2.11 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB2.11 0 1 1xDB2.11 0 0 0 0
16. ArrayAccess1 DB3.1 1 1xDB3.1 0 1 1xDB3.1 0 1 1xDB3.1 0 1 1xDB3.1 0 1 1xDB3.1 0 1 1xDB3.1 0
17. ArrayAccess2 DB3.2 1 1xDB3.2 0 1 1xDB3.2 0 1 1xDB3.2 0 1 1xDB3.2 0 1 1xDB3.2 0 1 1xDB3.2 0
18. ArrayAccess3 DB3.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19. ArrayAccess4 DB3.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20. ArrayAccess5 DB3.5 1 1xDB3.5 0 1 1xDB3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21. ArrayCopy1 DB3.6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB3.6 0 1 1xDB3.6 0 0 0 0
22. ArrayToString1 DB3.7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB3.7 0 1 1xDB3.7 0 0 0 0
23. HashMapAccess1 DB3.8 1 1xDB3.8 0 1 1xDB3.8 0 1 1xDB3.8 0 1 1xDB3.8 0 1 1xDB3.8 0 1 1xDB3.8 0
24. ListAccess1 DB3.9 1 1xDB3.9 0 1 1xDB3.9 0 1 1xDB3.9 0 1 1xDB3.9 0 1 1xDB3.9 0 1 1xDB3.9 0
25. MultidimensionalArray1 DB3.10 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB3.10 0 1 1xDB3.10 0 0 0 0
26. AnonymousClass1 DB4.1 0 0 0 0 2 1xU-DB2.12
2 2xU-DB4.15 2 1xU-DB2.12
2 2xU-DB4.15 0 0 0 0
27. Button1 DB4.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
28. Button2 DB4.3 1 1xDB6.7 0 1 1xDB6.7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB1.1 0 1 1xDB1.1 0
29. Button3 DB4.4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB4.4 0 1 1xDB4.4 0 0 0 0
30. Button4 DB4.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB4.5 0 1 1xDB4.5 0 0 0 0
31. Button5 DB4.6 0 1 1xU-DB7.24 0 1 1xU-DB7.24 0 1 1xU-DB4.15 0 1 1xU-DB4.15 0 0 0 0
32. LocationLeak1 DB4.7 0 0 0 0 3 1xU-DB2.12
2 2xU-DB4.15 3 1xU-DB2.12
2 2xU-DB4.15 0 0 0 0
33. LocationLeak2 DB4.8 0 0 0 0 3 1xU-DB2.12
2 2xU-DB4.15 3 1xU-DB2.12
2 2xU-DB4.15 0 0 0 0
34. LocationLeak3 DB4.9 0 0 0 0 0 2 2xU-DB4.15 0 2 2xU-DB4.15 0 0 0 0
35. MethodOverride1 DB4.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36. MultiHandlers1 DB4.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
37. Ordering1 DB4.12 0 0 0 0 3 1xU-DB2.12
0 3 1xU-DB2.12
0 2 2xDB4.12 0 2 2xDB4.12 0
38. RegisterGlobal1 DB4.13 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB9.9 0 1 1xDB9.9 0 0 0 0
39. RegisterGlobal2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB9.9 0 1 1xDB9.9 0 0 0 0
40. Unregister1 DB4.14 1 1xDB4.14 0 1 1xDB4.14 0 1 1xDB4.14 0 1 1xDB4.14 0 1 1xDB4.14 0 1 1xDB4.14 0
41. Battery1 DB5.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
42. Bluetooth1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
43. Build1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
44. Contacts1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
46. DeviceId1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
47. File1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49. IP1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51. PlayStore1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
52. PlayStore2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xTO 0 1 1xTO
53. Sensors1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
54. SubscriberId1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55. VoiceMail1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
45. ContentProvider1 DB5.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
48. IMEI1 DB5.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50. PI1 DB5.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
56. FieldSensitivity1 DB6.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
57. FieldSensitivity2 DB6.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58. FieldSensitivity3 DB6.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
59. FieldSensitivity4 DB6.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB1.1 0 1 1xDB1.1 0
60. InheritedObjects1 DB6.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
61. ObjectSensitivity1 DB6.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
62. ObjectSensitivity2 DB6.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB1.1 0 1 1xDB1.1 0
63. Clone1 DB7.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
64. Exceptions1 DB7.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
65. Exceptions2 DB7.3 0 0 0 0 3 3xU-DB2.12 0 3 3xU-DB2.12 0 0 0 0 0
66. Exceptions3 DB7.4 1 1xDB7.4 0 1 1xDB7.4 0 4 1xDB7.4
0 4 1xDB7.4
0 1 1xDB7.4 0 1 1xDB7.4 0
67. Exceptions4 DB7.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB7.5 0 1 1xDB7.5 0 0 0 0
68. Exceptions5 DB7.6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB7.6 0 1 1xDB7.6 0 0 0 0
69. Exceptions6 0 0 0 0 3 3xU-DB2.12 0 3 3xU-DB2.12 0 0 0 0 0
70. Exceptions7 DB7.7 0 0 0 0 4 1xDB7.4
0 4 1xDB7.4
0 1 1xDB7.4 0 1 1xDB7.4 0
71. FactoryMethods1 DB7.8 0 0 0 0 1 1xU-DB2.12 2 2xU-DB4.15 1 1xU-DB2.12 2 2xU-DB4.15 0 0 0 0
72. Loop1 DB7.9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xUN 0 1 1xUN 0 0 0 0
73. Loop2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xUN 0 1 1xUN 0 0 0 0
74. Serialization1 DB7.10 0 1 1xDB7.10 0 1 1xDB7.10 0 1 1xDB7.10 0 1 1xDB7.10 0 0 0 0
75. SourceCodeSpecific1 DB7.11 0 0 0 0 4 4xU-DB2.12 0 4 4xU-DB2.12 0 0 0 0 0
76. StartProcessWithSecret1 DB7.12 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB7.12 0 1 1xDB7.12 0 0 0 0
77. StaticInitialization1 DB7.13 0 1 1xDB7.13 0 1 1xDB7.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
78. StaticInitialization2 DB7.14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
79. StaticInitialization3 DB7.15 0 1 1xDB7.15 0 1 1xDB7.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
80. StringFormatter1 DB7.16 0 1 1xDB7.16 0 1 1xDB7.16 0 1 1xDB7.16 0 1 1xDB7.16 0 0 0 0
81. StringPatternMatching1 DB7.17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
82. StringToCharArray1 DB7.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
83. StringToOutputStream1 DB7.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
84. UnreachableCode DB7.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
85. VirtualDispatch1 DB7.21 1 1xDB7.21 0 1 1xDB7.21 0 1 1xDB7.21 0 1 1xDB7.21 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
86. VirtualDispatch2 DB7.22 1 1xDB7.22 0 1 1xDB7.22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
87. VirtualDispatch3 DB7.23 1 1xDB7.23 0 1 1xDB7.23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
88. ActivityCommunication1 DB8.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
89. ActivityCommunication2 DB8.2 0 1 1xDB8.2 0 1 1xDB8.2 1 1xDB8.2 1 1xSEM1 1 1xDB8.2 1 1xSEM1 0 0 0 0
90. ActivityCommunication3 DB8.3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
91. ActivityCommunication4 DB8.4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 0 0 0
92. ActivityCommunication5 DB8.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
93. ActivityCommunication6 DB8.6 0 1 1xDB8.6 0 1 1xDB8.6 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
94. ActivityCommunication7 DB8.7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
95. ActivityCommunication8 DB8.8 0 1 1xDB8.8 0 1 1xDB8.8 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 0 0 0
96. BroadcastTaintAndLeak1 DB8.9 0 1 1xBUG2 0 1 1xBUG2 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xUN 0 1 1xUN
97. ComponentNotInManifest1 DB8.10 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
98. EventOrdering1 DB8.11 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 0 0 0
99. IntentSink1 DB8.12 0 0 0 0 1 1xU-DB2.12 0 1 1xU-DB2.12 0 0 0 0 0
100. IntentSink2 DB8.13 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 1 1xDB8.18 0 1 1xDB8.18 0
101. IntentSource1 DB8.14 0 0 0 0 1 1xU-DB4.16 0 1 1xU-DB4.16 0 0 0 0 0
102. ServiceCommunication1 DB8.15 0 1 1xEX 0 1 1xEX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
103. SharedPreferences1 DB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 0 0 0
104. Singletons1 DB8.17 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB8.17 0 1 1xDB8.17 0 0 0 0
105. UnresolvableIntent1 DB8.18 0 2 2xDB8.18 0 2 2xDB8.18 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1 0 0 0 0
106. ActivityEventSequence1 DB9.1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB9.1 0 1 1xDB9.1 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
107. ActivityEventSequence2 DB9.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB9.2 0 1 1xDB9.2 0
108. ActivityEventSequence3 DB9.3 0 1 1xDB9.3 0 1 1xDB9.3 1 1xU-DB2.12 0 1 1xU-DB2.12 0 1 1xSEM2 0 1 1xSEM2 0
109. ActivityLifecycle1 DB9.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
110. ActivityLifecycle2 DB9.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB9.5 0 1 1xDB9.5 0 0 0 0
111. ActivityLifecycle3 DB9.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
112. ActivityLifecycle4 DB9.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
113. ActivitySavedState1 DB9.8 0 1 1xDB9.8 0 1 1xDB9.8 0 1 1xDB9.8 0 1 1xDB9.8 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
114. ApplicationLifecycle1 DB9.9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB9.9 0 1 1xDB9.9 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
115. ApplicationLifecycle2 DB9.10 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB9.9 0 1 1xDB9.9 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
116. ApplicationLifecycle3 DB9.11 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB9.9 0 1 1xDB9.9 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
117. AsynchronousEventOrdering1 DB9.12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
118. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle1 DB9.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
119. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle2 DB9.14 0 1 1xDB9.14 0 1 1xDB9.14 0 1 1xDB9.14 0 1 1xDB9.14 0 0 0 0
120. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 0 1 1xSEM2 0
121. EventOrdering1 DB9.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
122. FragmentLifecycle1 DB9.16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
123. FragmentLifecycle2 DB9.17 0 1 1xDB9.17 0 1 1xDB9.17 0 1 1xDB9.17 0 1 1xDB9.17 1 1xSEM2 0 1 1xSEM2 0
124. ServiceEventSequence1 DB9.18 0 1 1xDB9.18 0 1 1xDB9.18 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 0 1 1xSEM2 0
125. ServiceEventSequence2 DB9.19 0 1 1xDB9.19 0 1 1xDB9.19 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
126. ServiceEventSequence3 0 1 1xDB9.19 0 1 1xDB9.19 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
127. ServiceLifecycle1 DB9.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
128. ServiceLifecycle2 DB9.21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 0 1 1xSEM2 0
129. SharedPreferenceChanged1 DB9.22 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 0 1 1xDB8.16 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
130. Reflection1 DB10.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
131. Reflection2 DB10.2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB10.2 0 0 0 0 0 0
132. Reflection3 DB10.3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB10.3 0 1 1xDB10.3 0 0 0 0
133. Reflection4 DB10.4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB10.4 0 0 0 0 0 0
134. Reflection5 DB10.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB10.5 0 0 0 1 1xU-DB10.7 0 0
135. Reflection6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB10.5 0 0 0 1 1xU-DB10.7 0 0
136. Reflection7 0 0 0 1 1xU-DB10.9 0 1 1xDB10.5 0 1 1xU-DB10.9 0 1 1xU-DB10.9 0 1 1xU-DB10.9
137. Reflection8 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB10.5 0 1 1xU-DB10.8 0 1 1xU-DB10.8 0 1 1xU-DB10.8
138. Reflection9 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB10.5 0 1 1xU-DB10.8 0 1 1xU-DB10.8 0 1 1xU-DB10.8
139. ActivityCommunication2 DB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.10 0 2 2xU-DB10.10 0 2 2xDB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.10 0 2 2xU-DB10.7 0 2 2xU-DB10.10
140. AllReflection 0 2 2xU-DB10.6 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 2 2xDB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 2 2xU-DB10.7 0 2 2xU-DB10.11
141. OnlyIntent 0 1 1xU-DB10.10 0 1 1xU-DB10.10 0 2 2xDB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.10 0 2 2xU-DB10.7 0 2 2xU-DB10.10
142. OnlyIntentReceive 0 2 2xU-DB10.6 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 2 2xDB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 2 1xU-DB10.7
0 2 1xU-DB10.11
143. OnlySMS 0 1 1xU-DB10.10 0 1 1xU-DB10.10 0 2 1xDB11.1
0 2 1xU-DB10.10
0 2 1xU-DB10.7
0 2 1xU-DB10.10
144. OnlyTelephony 0 2 2xU-DB10.6 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 2 2xDB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 0 1 1xSEM1 1 1xSEM1
145. OnlyTelephony_Dynamic 0 3 3xU-DB10.6 0 3 3xU-DB10.11 0 3 3xDB11.1 0 3 3xU-DB10.11 0 0 1 1xSEM1 1 1xSEM1
146. OnlyTelephony_Reverse 0 2 2xU-DB10.6 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 2 2xDB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 0 1 1xSEM1 1 1xSEM1
147. OnlyTelephony_Substring 0 2 2xU-DB10.6 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 2 2xDB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.11 0 0 1 1xSEM1 1 1xSEM1
148. SharedPreferences1 0 2 2xUN 0 2 2xU-DB10.10 0 2 2xDB11.1 0 2 2xU-DB10.10 0 2 2xU-DB10.7 0 2 2xU-DB10.10
149. AsyncTask1 DB12.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
150. Executor1 DB12.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
151. JavaThread1 DB12.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 0 1 1xSEM2 0
152. JavaThread2 DB12.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
153. Looper1 DB12.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
154. TimeTask1 DB12.6 0 1 1xDB12.6 0 1 1xDB12.6 0 1 1xDB12.6 0 1 1xDB12.6 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2 1 1xSEM2
155. SimpleUnreachable1 DB13.1 0 0 0 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 0 0 0 0
156. UnreachableBoth 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0
157. UnreachableSink1 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0
158. UnreachableSource1 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0 1 1xDB13.1 0
1. icc_explicit_nosrc_nosink ICC1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA
2. icc_explicit_nosrc_sink 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. icc_explicit_src_nosink ICC1.2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
4. icc_explicit_src_sink 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
13. icc_explicit1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
5. icc_implicit_nosrc_nosink ICC1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. icc_implicit_nosrc_sink 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. icc_implicit_src_nosink ICC1.4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
8. icc_implicit_src_sink 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
14. icc_implicit_action 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
9. icc_intentservice ICC1.5 0 1 1xBUG2 0 1 1xBUG2 0 0 0 0
10. icc_stateful ICC1.6 0 1 1xICC1.6 0 1 1xICC1.6 2 1xU-DB2.12
0 2 1xU-DB2.12
11. icc_dynregister1 ICC2.1 0 1 1xBUG2 0 1 1xBUG2 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
12. icc_dynregister2 ICC2.2 0 1 1xBUG2 0 1 1xBUG2 1 1xICC2.2 1 1xSEM1 1 1xICC2.2 1 1xSEM1
15. icc_implicit_category ICC2.3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
16. icc_implicit_data1 ICC2.4 0 1 1xICC2.4 0 1 1xICC2.4 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
17. icc_implicit_data2 ICC2.5 0 1 1xICC2.5 0 1 1xICC2.5 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
18. icc_implicit_mix1 ICC2.6 0 0 0 0 0 2 2xSEM1 0 2 2xSEM1
19. icc_implicit_mix2 ICC2.7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1xSEM1 0 1 1xSEM1
20. icc_rpc_comprehensive ICC3.1 0 2 2xEX 0 2 2xEX 2 1xU-DB2.12
0 2 1xU-DB2.12
21. rpc_localservice ICC4.1 0 1 1xEX 0 1 1xEX 1 1xICC4.1 0 1 1xICC4.1 0
22. rpc_messengerservice ICC4.2 0 1 1xEX 0 1 1xEX 0 0 0 0
23. rpc_remoteservice ICC4.3 0 1 1xEX 0 1 1xEX 0 0 0 0
24. rpc_returnsensitive ICC4.4 0 1 1xEX 0 1 1xEX 0 0 0 0

Execution time and memory consumption

In the following table, we detailedly list the execution time (in seconds) of each tool on DroidBench.

The table consists of two main parts, which are:

  • AppName and TargetCriteriaID: These two columns are information of benchmarks, matching AppID+AppName, and TargetCriteriaID in Selected benchmarks and expected results table.
  • The left columns are all about results of studied tools. We list details about the execution time of each tool.
AppName TargetCriteriaID FlowDroid v2.7.1 DroidRA + FlowDroid v2.7.1 Amandroid v3.2.0 DroidRA + Amandroid v3.2.0 DroidSafe DroidRA + DroidSafe DroidRA Instrumentation
1. FlowSensitivity1 DB1.1 15 15 21 18 197 290 72
2. Merge1 DB1.2 16 16 20 22 193 194 71
3. SimpleAliasing1 DB1.3 15 16 21 22 194 196 71
4. StrongUpdate1 DB1.4 16 16 20 17 195 194 69
5. 5. ApplicationModeling1 DB2.1 8 8 14 17 127 126 61
6. DirectLeak1 DB2.2 11 11 18 14 115 115 64
7. InactiveActivity DB2.3 10 10 15 13 110 111 69
8. Library2 DB2.4 11 11 14 16 127 127 66
9. LogNoLeak DB2.5 10 10 16 14 115 115 64
10. Obfuscation1 DB2.6 11 11 14 14 124 124 65
11. Parcel1 DB2.7 8 8 19 15 123 123 61
12. PrivateDataLeak3 DB2.8 11 11 26 16 129 130 65
13. PublicAPIField1 DB2.9 8 8 24 17 127 127 62
14. PublicAPIField2 DB2.10 8 8 15 14 123 122 61
15. View1 DB2.11 11 11 18 16 114 115 65
16. ArrayAccess1 DB3.1 11 11 18 14 115 115 64
17. ArrayAccess2 DB3.2 11 11 14 20 115 116 64
18. ArrayAccess3 DB3.3 11 11 15 15 114 116 66
19. ArrayAccess4 DB3.4 11 11 17 14 114 117 65
20. ArrayAccess5 DB3.5 11 11 14 15 115 115 64
21. ArrayCopy1 DB3.6 8 8 17 14 122 121 62
22. ArrayToString1 DB3.7 9 8 19 17 123 124 62
23. HashMapAccess1 DB3.8 12 11 14 14 125 124 65
24. ListAccess1 DB3.9 11 11 16 15 115 116 64
25. MultidimensionalArray1 DB3.10 8 8 14 18 122 122 62
26. AnonymousClass1 DB4.1 11 11 14 14 115 115 64
27. Button1 DB4.2 11 11 18 15 126 124 65
28. Button2 DB4.3 11 11 16 15 130 130 64
29. Button3 DB4.4 11 11 17 16 131 131 66
30. Button4 DB4.5 11 11 14 16 127 128 66
31. Button5 DB4.6 11 11 15 14 124 125 63
32. LocationLeak1 DB4.7 11 11 15 14 115 115 63
33. LocationLeak2 DB4.8 11 11 14 18 115 116 64
34. LocationLeak3 DB4.9 11 11 15 17 127 128 63
35. MethodOverride1 DB4.10 11 11 14 16 114 115 64
36. MultiHandlers1 DB4.11 11 11 15 16 130 131 64
37. Ordering1 DB4.12 11 11 16 15 129 128 64
38. RegisterGlobal1 DB4.13 11 11 17 15 129 131 64
39. RegisterGlobal2 11 11 15 18 126 129 65
40. Unregister1 DB4.14 11 11 14 16 129 130 65
41. Battery1 DB5.1 14 14 21 18 133 132 69
42. Bluetooth1 14 14 19 18 133 134 69
43. Build1 14 14 18 18 134 133 69
44. Contacts1 14 14 17 18 134 132 71
46. DeviceId1 14 14 20 17 134 132 69
47. File1 14 15 19 19 133 133 69
49. IP1 14 15 21 19 134 134 69
51. PlayStore1 16 16 19 18 195 194 67
52. PlayStore2 53 54 28 25 (TIMEOUT) (TIMEOUT) 69
53. Sensors1 15 15 18 17 134 132 69
54. SubscriberId1 15 15 18 19 133 133 69
55. VoiceMail1 14 15 20 19 133 132 108
45. ContentProvider1 DB5.2 15 16 20 20 193 195 70
48. IMEI1 DB5.3 13 14 19 17 120 121 67
50. PI1 DB5.4 14 14 19 18 146 145 69
56. FieldSensitivity1 DB6.1 11 11 15 15 114 116 65
57. FieldSensitivity2 DB6.2 11 11 15 14 114 114 65
58. FieldSensitivity3 DB6.3 12 11 14 14 115 115 64
59. FieldSensitivity4 DB6.4 11 11 14 17 115 115 64
60. InheritedObjects1 DB6.5 12 11 16 15 115 116 65
61. ObjectSensitivity1 DB6.6 11 11 14 17 114 115 64
62. ObjectSensitivity2 DB6.7 11 11 17 14 115 116 65
63. Clone1 DB7.1 8 8 18 17 123 123 60
64. Exceptions1 DB7.2 11 11 15 15 126 128 64
65. Exceptions2 DB7.3 11 11 14 14 126 128 65
66. Exceptions3 DB7.4 11 11 16 16 125 126 65
67. Exceptions4 DB7.5 11 11 17 14 126 129 64
68. Exceptions5 DB7.6 11 11 17 15 125 128 64
69. Exceptions6 11 11 14 14 126 126 65
70. Exceptions7 DB7.7 11 11 15 16 126 126 65
71. FactoryMethods1 DB7.8 11 11 16 14 126 130 64
72. Loop1 DB7.9 11 11 14 14 115 116 64
73. Loop2 11 11 14 17 115 115 65
74. Serialization1 DB7.10 9 8 17 17 165 165 60
75. SourceCodeSpecific1 DB7.11 12 11 16 14 115 115 65
76. StartProcessWithSecret1 DB7.12 9 8 14 17 124 122 61
77. StaticInitialization1 DB7.13 11 11 16 14 115 115 64
78. StaticInitialization2 DB7.14 11 11 16 15 114 115 63
79. StaticInitialization3 DB7.15 9 8 21 14 122 123 62
80. StringFormatter1 DB7.16 9 8 14 18 129 129 61
81. StringPatternMatching1 DB7.17 8 8 14 15 121 122 62
82. StringToCharArray1 DB7.18 8 8 17 18 126 127 61
83. StringToOutputStream1 DB7.19 8 8 16 15 123 124 61
84. UnreachableCode DB7.20 11 11 14 14 114 115 65
85. VirtualDispatch1 DB7.21 11 11 16 17 123 125 64
86. VirtualDispatch2 DB7.22 9 8 14 16 124 122 62
87. VirtualDispatch3 DB7.23 16 17 18 20 194 195 70
88. ActivityCommunication1 DB8.1 11 11 16 16 129 129 65
89. ActivityCommunication2 DB8.2 12 13 17 14 130 129 66
90. ActivityCommunication3 DB8.3 12 13 16 15 129 129 66
91. ActivityCommunication4 DB8.4 13 13 15 15 129 130 65
92. ActivityCommunication5 DB8.5 13 12 15 15 131 130 67
93. ActivityCommunication6 DB8.6 13 12 19 17 130 130 66
94. ActivityCommunication7 DB8.7 13 13 23 21 130 131 64
95. ActivityCommunication8 DB8.8 12 12 18 17 130 130 65
96. BroadcastTaintAndLeak1 DB8.9 9 8 17 24 111 110 61
97. ComponentNotInManifest1 DB8.10 12 12 15 20 127 128 64
98. EventOrdering1 DB8.11 12 12 17 22 129 130 65
99. IntentSink1 DB8.12 11 11 14 15 115 116 64
100. IntentSink2 DB8.13 11 11 19 14 125 128 62
101. IntentSource1 DB8.14 12 12 14 15 127 126 66
102. ServiceCommunication1 DB8.15 (EX) (EX) 17 20 131 130 62
103. SharedPreferences1 DB8.16 8 8 14 18 124 125 62
104. Singletons1 DB8.17 8 8 15 15 125 122 62
105. UnresolvableIntent1 DB8.18 12 12 16 15 130 130 66
106. ActivityEventSequence1 DB9.1 11 11 15 14 129 131 63
107. ActivityEventSequence2 DB9.2 11 11 16 18 130 131 66
108. ActivityEventSequence3 DB9.3 11 11 15 14 129 130 66
109. ActivityLifecycle1 DB9.4 11 11 18 15 148 149 62
110. ActivityLifecycle2 DB9.5 11 11 17 14 114 115 64
111. ActivityLifecycle3 DB9.6 11 11 14 15 115 115 64
112. ActivityLifecycle4 DB9.7 11 11 16 17 114 115 64
113. ActivitySavedState1 DB9.8 9 8 14 16 122 122 61
114. ApplicationLifecycle1 DB9.9 11 11 14 16 114 115 65
115. ApplicationLifecycle2 DB9.10 11 11 14 15 115 115 64
116. ApplicationLifecycle3 DB9.11 12 11 17 15 124 125 68
117. AsynchronousEventOrdering1 DB9.12 9 8 17 16 121 121 86
118. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle1 DB9.13 11 11 14 14 107 108 102
119. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle2 DB9.14 13 13 15 15 128 128 67
120. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle3 13 12 17 16 128 129 85
121. EventOrdering1 DB9.15 8 8 14 16 123 122 105
122. FragmentLifecycle1 DB9.16 13 13 17 15 1443 1444 67
123. FragmentLifecycle2 DB9.17 10 10 17 16 131 132 64
124. ServiceEventSequence1 DB9.18 12 13 21 18 129 130 116
125. ServiceEventSequence2 DB9.19 12 12 17 15 131 132 71
126. ServiceEventSequence3 12 13 18 17 130 131 67
127. ServiceLifecycle1 DB9.20 11 11 15 16 108 108 72
128. ServiceLifecycle2 DB9.21 8 8 16 17 122 123 63
129. SharedPreferenceChanged1 DB9.22 8 8 16 15 122 122 154
130. Reflection1 DB10.1 12 13 16 15 129 130 106
131. Reflection2 DB10.2 11 12 22 17 135 136 127
132. Reflection3 DB10.3 11 12 19 19 131 131 72
133. Reflection4 DB10.4 11 11 17 18 136 137 76
134. Reflection5 DB10.5 11 12 17 16 135 134 116
135. Reflection6 11 11 16 16 135 136 70
136. Reflection7 11 11 18 15 136 135 71
137. Reflection8 11 11 15 18 135 136 128
138. Reflection9 11 11 16 17 136 135 73
139. ActivityCommunication2 DB11.1 9 9 17 16 127 129 111
140. AllReflection 11 11 17 17 128 127 79
141. OnlyIntent 11 12 14 16 128 128 71
142. OnlyIntentReceive 11 12 17 15 126 127 78
143. OnlySMS 11 12 15 16 127 129 112
144. OnlyTelephony 11 11 17 17 124 125 92
145. OnlyTelephony_Dynamic 8 8 17 14 123 123 89
146. OnlyTelephony_Reverse 11 12 15 18 124 133 186
147. OnlyTelephony_Substring 11 12 17 18 124 134 72
148. SharedPreferences1 11 12 15 15 126 127 66
149. AsyncTask1 DB12.1 12 12 14 17 128 127 65
150. Executor1 DB12.2 12 13 16 16 130 130 66
151. JavaThread1 DB12.3 12 12 14 17 128 129 66
152. JavaThread2 DB12.4 12 13 15 16 129 128 66
153. Looper1 DB12.5 16 16 19 21 194 195 70
154. TimeTask1 DB12.6 16 16 18 19 196 195 70
155. SimpleUnreachable1 DB13.1 21 22 29 19 113 113 79
156. UnreachableBoth 8 8 18 15 268 134 62
157. UnreachableSink1 8 8 15 14 200 154 62
158. UnreachableSource1 8 8 16 16 190 183 62
Min 8 8 14 13 107 108 60
Max 53 54 29 25 1443 1444 186
Mean 12 12 17 16 139 139 71
Median 11 11 16 16 126 128 65

In the following table, we detailedly list the memory consumption (in MBs) of each tool on DroidBench. The below table also consists of two main parts, similar to the above table for execution time, while the second part is with with memory consumption.

AppName TargetCriteriaID FlowDroid v2.7.1 DroidRA + FlowDroid v2.7.1 Amandroid v3.2.0 DroidRA + Amandroid v3.2.0 DroidSafe DroidRA + DroidSafe DroidRA Instrumentation
1. FlowSensitivity1 DB1.1 498 509 2443 2468 11161 10921 12714
2. Merge1 DB1.2 524 511 2463 2441 10548 10450 13089
3. SimpleAliasing1 DB1.3 507 515 2426 2435 10234 10447 13093
4. StrongUpdate1 DB1.4 518 519 2479 2459 10177 10410 12722
5. 5. ApplicationModeling1 DB2.1 348 355 2405 2412 6376 6722 12869
6. DirectLeak1 DB2.2 376 384 2400 2377 6684 6398 12705
7. InactiveActivity DB2.3 246 251 2366 2361 6249 6150 12821
8. Library2 DB2.4 389 397 2401 2444 6382 6462 12702
9. LogNoLeak DB2.5 272 295 2420 2387 6266 6249 12705
10. Obfuscation1 DB2.6 391 404 2411 2412 6539 6342 12700
11. Parcel1 DB2.7 359 363 2420 2440 6705 6811 12894
12. PrivateDataLeak3 DB2.8 400 409 2381 2425 6447 6321 12706
13. PublicAPIField1 DB2.9 344 349 2430 2399 6451 6473 12874
14. PublicAPIField2 DB2.10 349 342 2426 2433 6239 6537 12881
15. View1 DB2.11 383 390 2401 2423 6521 6554 12713
16. ArrayAccess1 DB3.1 393 394 2395 2384 6553 6408 12709
17. ArrayAccess2 DB3.2 395 382 2396 2390 6441 6231 12697
18. ArrayAccess3 DB3.3 388 380 2385 2399 6610 6406 12703
19. ArrayAccess4 DB3.4 393 389 2399 2406 6436 6482 12704
20. ArrayAccess5 DB3.5 393 389 2392 2388 6625 6513 12700
21. ArrayCopy1 DB3.6 337 341 2413 2409 6605 6608 12885
22. ArrayToString1 DB3.7 339 343 2409 2411 6560 6474 12889
23. HashMapAccess1 DB3.8 394 400 2434 2452 6414 6641 12706
24. ListAccess1 DB3.9 371 383 2420 2395 6445 6342 12704
25. MultidimensionalArray1 DB3.10 346 340 2412 2407 6585 6725 12887
26. AnonymousClass1 DB4.1 375 383 2383 2394 6505 6274 12702
27. Button1 DB4.2 378 385 2411 2416 6608 6444 12702
28. Button2 DB4.3 392 398 2399 2436 6579 6344 12702
29. Button3 DB4.4 396 399 2435 2431 6487 6468 12697
30. Button4 DB4.5 390 388 2392 2385 6343 6391 12707
31. Button5 DB4.6 397 401 2437 2422 6430 6611 12710
32. LocationLeak1 DB4.7 381 392 2416 2383 6612 6487 12706
33. LocationLeak2 DB4.8 398 399 2395 2388 6590 6539 12705
34. LocationLeak3 DB4.9 407 409 2423 2426 6477 6246 12700
35. MethodOverride1 DB4.10 377 376 2390 2377 6515 6378 12697
36. MultiHandlers1 DB4.11 408 399 2413 2420 6538 6436 12702
37. Ordering1 DB4.12 409 414 2447 2435 6603 6571 12701
38. RegisterGlobal1 DB4.13 400 389 2410 2438 6443 6462 12702
39. RegisterGlobal2 405 388 2413 2432 6434 6487 12698
40. Unregister1 DB4.14 404 387 2427 2408 6149 6497 12699
41. Battery1 DB5.1 532 534 2437 2450 6467 6295 13070
42. Bluetooth1 535 539 2434 2435 6324 6331 13077
43. Build1 546 548 2437 2440 6653 6284 12703
44. Contacts1 544 545 2462 2431 6378 6541 13625
46. DeviceId1 491 522 2442 2451 10407 10372 13117
47. File1 537 536 2452 2445 6590 6621 12819
49. IP1 535 541 2447 2439 6513 6470 12831
51. PlayStore1 514 515 2430 2429 6352 6160 13083
52. PlayStore2 544 550 2448 2449 6641 6341 13190
53. Sensors1 546 561 2448 2427 7809 7775 13194
54. SubscriberId1 511 519 2460 2469 10621 10391 12837
55. VoiceMail1 5228 5226 3677 3105 (TIMEOUT) (TIMEOUT) 14851
45. ContentProvider1 DB5.2 535 537 2456 2440 6551 6335 13198
48. IMEI1 DB5.3 539 551 2450 2433 6480 6500 13367
50. PI1 DB5.4 538 536 2459 2443 6363 6500 12706
56. FieldSensitivity1 DB6.1 392 376 2375 2401 6657 6407 12710
57. FieldSensitivity2 DB6.2 384 388 2369 2399 6462 6456 12706
58. FieldSensitivity3 DB6.3 371 387 2394 2401 6415 6292 12703
59. FieldSensitivity4 DB6.4 385 385 2432 2384 6502 6476 12707
60. InheritedObjects1 DB6.5 382 385 2373 2391 6374 6504 12703
61. ObjectSensitivity1 DB6.6 388 381 2390 2409 6477 6316 12694
62. ObjectSensitivity2 DB6.7 374 387 2376 2390 6536 6550 12704
63. Clone1 DB7.1 345 346 2416 2408 6573 6421 12881
64. Exceptions1 DB7.2 401 394 2433 2432 6555 6257 12696
65. Exceptions2 DB7.3 398 404 2444 2431 6379 6274 12713
66. Exceptions3 DB7.4 389 399 2418 2435 6602 6420 12703
67. Exceptions4 DB7.5 397 402 2395 2413 6432 6076 12706
68. Exceptions5 DB7.6 397 411 2416 2413 6556 6392 12705
69. Exceptions6 407 413 2409 2421 6334 6470 12702
70. Exceptions7 DB7.7 399 406 2421 2416 6518 6314 12705
71. FactoryMethods1 DB7.8 404 407 2401 2415 6613 6294 12704
72. Loop1 DB7.9 396 399 2383 2376 6392 6573 12708
73. Loop2 382 386 2379 2410 6533 6308 12708
74. Serialization1 DB7.10 344 358 2428 2434 9290 9407 12873
75. SourceCodeSpecific1 DB7.11 383 383 2388 2392 6643 6563 12709
76. StartProcessWithSecret1 DB7.12 340 354 2406 2407 6338 6591 12880
77. StaticInitialization1 DB7.13 374 385 2415 2392 6229 6594 12701
78. StaticInitialization2 DB7.14 384 395 2395 2389 6367 6417 12703
79. StaticInitialization3 DB7.15 337 328 2412 2431 6380 6528 12872
80. StringFormatter1 DB7.16 346 345 2411 2402 6389 6535 12877
81. StringPatternMatching1 DB7.17 352 344 2421 2421 6581 6722 12879
82. StringToCharArray1 DB7.18 343 344 2406 2385 6487 6325 12880
83. StringToOutputStream1 DB7.19 347 333 2453 2413 6625 6527 12882
84. UnreachableCode DB7.20 290 290 2373 2380 6559 6434 12699
85. VirtualDispatch1 DB7.21 382 403 2414 2418 6638 6642 12696
86. VirtualDispatch2 DB7.22 331 341 2408 2391 6374 6349 12866
87. VirtualDispatch3 DB7.23 529 526 2452 2462 10521 10423 12715
88. ActivityCommunication1 DB8.1 389 391 2425 2440 6532 6726 12693
89. ActivityCommunication2 DB8.2 457 446 2438 2427 6455 6395 12711
90. ActivityCommunication3 DB8.3 457 455 2417 2438 6494 6457 12708
91. ActivityCommunication4 DB8.4 433 434 2423 2439 6312 6610 12710
92. ActivityCommunication5 DB8.5 423 442 2418 2433 6424 6352 12712
93. ActivityCommunication6 DB8.6 436 444 2444 2415 6589 6470 12703
94. ActivityCommunication7 DB8.7 436 439 2425 2434 6489 6347 12711
95. ActivityCommunication8 DB8.8 448 446 2412 2403 6334 6443 12712
96. BroadcastTaintAndLeak1 DB8.9 321 328 2417 2388 6223 6227 12877
97. ComponentNotInManifest1 DB8.10 451 443 2410 2419 6446 6351 12701
98. EventOrdering1 DB8.11 438 426 2438 2437 6400 6358 12707
99. IntentSink1 DB8.12 391 386 2388 2379 6182 6541 12702
100. IntentSink2 DB8.13 387 383 2413 2408 6604 6323 12699
101. IntentSource1 DB8.14 324 317 2411 2421 6204 6208 12702
102. ServiceCommunication1 DB8.15 (EX) (EX) 2434 2419 6445 6756 12880
103. SharedPreferences1 DB8.16 336 338 2421 2439 6637 6541 12875
104. Singletons1 DB8.17 354 346 2418 2442 6592 6684 12869
105. UnresolvableIntent1 DB8.18 455 432 2442 2427 6519 6518 13071
106. ActivityEventSequence1 DB9.1 397 396 2411 2389 6932 6501 12698
107. ActivityEventSequence2 DB9.2 393 401 2412 2436 6647 6376 12704
108. ActivityEventSequence3 DB9.3 413 425 2415 2435 6668 6544 12700
109. ActivityLifecycle1 DB9.4 395 385 2404 2391 8397 8307 12701
110. ActivityLifecycle2 DB9.5 377 379 2389 2379 6793 6389 12707
111. ActivityLifecycle3 DB9.6 377 386 2379 2392 6546 6381 12699
112. ActivityLifecycle4 DB9.7 389 383 2398 2381 6295 6506 12707
113. ActivitySavedState1 DB9.8 335 353 2405 2414 6673 6354 12871
114. ApplicationLifecycle1 DB9.9 380 388 2366 2383 6520 6296 12695
115. ApplicationLifecycle2 DB9.10 373 399 2391 2395 6383 6601 12706
116. ApplicationLifecycle3 DB9.11 390 390 2399 2441 6774 6491 12693
117. AsynchronousEventOrdering1 DB9.12 341 346 2423 2419 6623 6501 12879
118. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle1 DB9.13 386 375 2403 2376 6137 6332 12738
119. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle2 DB9.14 426 438 2417 2428 6585 6491 12709
120. BroadcastReceiverLifecycle3 412 418 2414 2432 6407 6593 12711
121. EventOrdering1 DB9.15 345 325 2410 2430 6314 6656 12879
122. FragmentLifecycle1 DB9.16 424 417 2437 2457 27488 27604 12719
123. FragmentLifecycle2 DB9.17 279 286 2452 2426 6593 6421 12710
124. ServiceEventSequence1 DB9.18 462 442 2427 2413 6491 6396 12713
125. ServiceEventSequence2 DB9.19 435 446 2431 2413 6658 6594 12706
126. ServiceEventSequence3 443 442 2395 2419 6523 6468 12713
127. ServiceLifecycle1 DB9.20 388 381 2362 2396 6216 6206 12685
128. ServiceLifecycle2 DB9.21 342 338 2420 2407 6717 6505 12866
129. SharedPreferenceChanged1 DB9.22 330 340 2429 2430 6623 6557 12879
130. Reflection1 DB10.1 448 461 2457 2487 6537 6313 12708
131. Reflection2 DB10.2 334 343 2433 2454 7829 7785 12702
132. Reflection3 DB10.3 421 422 2432 2417 7534 7602 12705
133. Reflection4 DB10.4 307 321 2430 2442 7585 7507 12704
134. Reflection5 DB10.5 412 412 2431 2447 7234 7554 12698
135. Reflection6 298 303 2445 2414 7799 7618 12705
136. Reflection7 301 295 2439 2430 7577 7488 12709
137. Reflection8 299 301 2418 2445 7649 7622 12698
138. Reflection9 292 315 2427 2416 7564 7501 12700
139. ActivityCommunication2 DB11.1 359 366 2431 2447 6693 6550 12862
140. AllReflection 396 405 2412 2425 6392 6574 12708
141. OnlyIntent 396 394 2465 2430 6483 6309 12708
142. OnlyIntentReceive 409 420 2415 2407 6547 6610 12702
143. OnlySMS 391 397 2437 2439 6424 6533 12706
144. OnlyTelephony 405 399 2415 2417 6562 6442 12697
145. OnlyTelephony_Dynamic 348 355 2417 2407 6532 6428 12882
146. OnlyTelephony_Reverse 406 410 2420 2416 6593 6520 12692
147. OnlyTelephony_Substring 396 410 2413 2443 6578 6277 12702
148. SharedPreferences1 417 406 2412 2427 6234 6491 12704
149. AsyncTask1 DB12.1 431 429 2432 2423 6627 6396 12709
150. Executor1 DB12.2 422 433 2416 2415 6336 6498 12710
151. JavaThread1 DB12.3 430 436 2403 2416 6425 6412 12708
152. JavaThread2 DB12.4 437 425 2414 2420 6271 6413 12714
153. Looper1 DB12.5 510 520 2446 2459 10377 10361 12723
154. TimeTask1 DB12.6 520 511 2449 2470 10436 10536 13088
155. SimpleUnreachable1 DB13.1 512 516 2479 2467 6399 6402 13950
156. UnreachableBoth 317 327 2409 2424 7322 6608 12876
157. UnreachableSink1 339 336 2419 2405 7493 6834 12883
158. UnreachableSource1 329 346 2423 2403 7138 6874 12893
Min 432 434 2426 2423 6962 6917 12801
Max 5228 5226 3677 3105 27488 27604 14851
Mean 246 251 2362 2361 6137 6076 12685
Median 393 394 2417 2419.5 6536 6487 12708

Comparison to our ISSTA’18 paper

We compare our results to our ISSTA’18 paper. There are two differences in our experiments compared to the ISSTA’18 paper:

  • For selected Android static taint analyzers, we used FlowDroid v2.7.1 in this work vs. v2.0 in the earlier work, and Amandroid v3.2.0 vs. v3.1.1 in the earlier work. DroidSafe did not have any updates from the time of ISSTA’18.
  • For selected benchmark suites, we used DroidBench v3.0 instead of v2.0 as in the earlier work. We included 49 new benchmark apps from DroidBench v3.0 in out test suite. ICCBench did not have any updates from the time of ISSTA’18.

In the following two tables, we list benchmark apps on which different versions of FlowDroid and Amandroid reported inconsistent results. As we only ran benchmark apps in DroidBench v2.0 in our ISSTA’18 paper, we only present results for benchmark apps in DroidBench v2.0.

Specifically, these tables consists of the following two parts:

  • App and TargetCriteriaID: These two columns are information of benchmarks, matching AppID+AppName, and TargetCriteriaID in Selected benchmarks and expected results table.
  • Results of FlowDroid or Amandroid under different version. We list details about FP (false positives) and FN (false negatives) flows reported by FlowDroid v2.7.1 and v2.0 (in the first table) as well as Amandroid v3.2.0 and v3.1.1 (in the second table). We highlighted differences between two versions of each tool.

Details of our newly-identified sources of failures (i.e., UBCx) can be found here.

AppNameTargetCriteriaIDFlowDroid v2.7.1FlowDroid v2.0
11. Parcel1DB2.7011xBUG100
13. PublicAPIField1DB2.9011xBUG100
14. PublicAPIField2DB2.1000011xDB2.10
96. BroadcastTaintAndLeak1DB8.9011xBUG200
132. Reflection3DB10.3011xBUG100
9. icc_intentserviceICC1.5011xBUG200
10. icc_statefulICC1.6011xICC1.600
11. icc_dynregister1ICC2.1011xBUG200
12. icc_dynregister2ICC2.2011xBUG200
AppNameTargetCriteriaIDAmandroid v3.2.0Amandroid v3.1.1
25. MultidimensionalArray1DB3.10011xDB3.1000
34. LocationLeak3DB4.9022xUBC421xDB6.1
36. MultiHandlers1DB4.110044xDB4.110
65. Exceptions2DB7.333xUBC3000
66. Exceptions3DB7.441xDB7.4
72. Loop1DB7.9011xUN00
73. Loop2011xUN00
89. ActivityCommunication2DB8.211xDB8.211xSEM111xDB8.20
90. ActivityCommunication3DB8.3011xSEM100
91. ActivityCommunication4DB8.4011xSEM100
92. ActivityCommunication5DB8.5011xSEM100
93. ActivityCommunication6DB8.6011xSEM100
94. ActivityCommunication7DB8.7011xSEM100
95. ActivityCommunication8DB8.8011xSEM100
96. BroadcastTaintAndLeak1DB8.9011xSEM111xDB6.10
97. ComponentNotInManifest1DB8.10011xSEM100
100. IntentSink2DB8.13011xSEM111xDB6.10
101. IntentSource1DB8.1411xUBC5031xDB6.1
105. UnresolvableIntent1DB8.18011xSEM100
110. ActivityLifecycle2DB9.5011xDB9.500
131. Reflection2DB10.2011xDB10.200
133. Reflection4DB10.4011xDB10.400
3. icc_explicit_src_nosinkICC1.2011xSEM100
4. icc_explicit_src_sink011xSEM100
13. icc_explicit1011xSEM100
7. icc_implicit_src_nosinkICC1.4011xSEM100
8. icc_implicit_src_sink011xSEM100
14. icc_implicit_action011xSEM100
11. icc_dynregister1ICC2.1011xSEM100
12. icc_dynregister2ICC2.211xICC2.211xSEM111xICC2.20
15. icc_implicit_categoryICC2.3011xSEM100
16. icc_implicit_data1ICC2.4011xSEM100
17. icc_implicit_data2ICC2.5011xSEM111xDB6.10
18. icc_implicit_mix1ICC2.6022xSEM100
19. icc_implicit_mix2ICC2.7011xSEM100
21. rpc_localserviceICC4.111xICC4.1000

Other results

For comparative purposes, we provided results of the following versions of tools, running on selected 158 apps of DroidBench v3.0 and 24 apps of ICCBench v2.0.

  • FlowDroid v2.7.1 without IccTA.
  • FlowDroid v2.0.
  • FlowDroid v1.5.
  • Amandroid v3.1.1.

The following table consists of three parts:

  • Tool: The name of the tool and its version.
  • #FP and #FN: Number of FP (false positives) and FN (false negatives) flows reported by each version of tool.
  • Precision, Recall, and F-Measure: The calculated accuracy of each version of tool.
FlowDroid v2.7.1 (without IccTA)1556876574
FlowDroid v2.01544887279
FlowDroid v1.51665855970
Amandroid v3.1.14359706366
FlowDroid v2.7.1 (without IccTA)0201004158
FlowDroid v2.0081007687
FlowDroid v1.50171005067
Amandroid v3.1.1608510092